EAGLE project: excellent progress!

Clip art review 2On 19 May 2015, in Brussels, EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) was reviewed by the European Commission with brilliant results. 

«Excellent progress: the project has fully achieved its objectives and goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations». So the European Commission (EC) concluded on 19 May, in Bruxelles, its review of the project activities.


«The EAGLE consortium is therefore – the EC report writes - to be congratulated on their continuing success and the reviewers recommend that the project continue its work. The groundwork has been laid for the overall success of the project».

EAGLE (started on 1 April 2013 and lasting until 31 March 2016) is a Best Practice Network with 19 partners. Promoter SRL is Technical Coordinator of it.

The project aims to provide Europeana with a comprehensive collection of unique historical sources, approximately 80% of the total amount of inscriptions (mainly Ancient Greek and Latin epigraphic sources) in the Mediterranean area. Its conclusion looks really promising...stay connected!!!


For further info visit the EAGLE showcase


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