Linked Heritage plenary meeting in Dublin, 17-18 June 2013

LinkedHeritageThe Linked Heritage project (a 30 months Best Practice Network project founded by the EC) now draws to the end of its life and in Dublin the partners will have the possibility to discuss the latest commitments in view of the expiration (September 2013).

The consortium includes representatives of all the key stakeholder groups from 20 EU countries, together with Israel and Russia. These include ministries and responsible government agencies, content providers and aggregators, leading research centres, publishers and SMEs.

Read more: Linked Heritage plenary meeting in Dublin, 17-18 June 2013

EuropeanaPhotography 3rd Plenary meeting, Vilnius 9-11 september 2013

Lithuanian Art Museum All the EuropeanaPhotography's partners will meet again in Vilnius, for a big event under the EU Presidency of Lithuania, where the plenary meeting will be jointed to a photographic exhibition and some cultural lectures. Organization is in the hands of Lithuanian Art Museums.




Read more: EuropeanaPhotography 3rd Plenary meeting, Vilnius 9-11 september 2013

DCH-RP 3rd Plenary Meeting, La Valletta 22-23 september 2013


DCH-RP Third Plenary meeting will be held in Valletta (Malta) on 23 -24 September 2013.

The Plenary Meeting will be on 23 September, all the day, and 24 September in the afternoon.

DCH-RP partners will join the TPDL Conference 2013 on 24 September in the morning.

Read more: DCH-RP 3rd Plenary Meeting, La Valletta 22-23 september 2013

RICHES kick-off meeting, Bruxelles 9-10 December 2013

rch logo ptrait smallOn 9-10 December, at the EBN (European Business & Innovation Centre Network) in Brussels, 10 partners from 6 EU countries and Turkey kicked-off RICHES, a new EC funded research project in the field of Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities.

RICHES (Renewal, Innovation & Change: Heritage and European Society) is a project about change: about the change digital technologies are bringing to our society, decentring culture and cultural heritage away from institutional structures towards the individual and so offering to the EU citizens a great opportunity to use their heritage as a drive for social and economic development.

Antonella Fresa (Project Dissemination Manager) and Claudia Pierotti were representatives of Promoter, as partner of the EU project.

Read more: RICHES kick-off meeting, Bruxelles 9-10 December 2013


What we do

Promoter is a valuable partner in international project management, ICT and business innovation, online publishing and promotion. 

Promoter is publisher of Digitalmeetsculture online magazine and of Promoter Digital Gallery, a collection of heritage and contemporary photographs.

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The interactive magazine where culture and digital technology collide.

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