Excellent results for the Preforma Project! Brussels (BE), 26 March 2015

pfo logo lscapeOn 26th March 2015, in Brussels, project Preforma (launched on 1st January 2014) underwent its first review, obtaining an excellent evaluation.

Promoter SRL participated in the meeting as Technical Coordinator of the project.

The EC reviewers gave the consortium recommendations for the project's continuation, in particular useful to networking activities and to the preparation of the testing-phase of the prototypes being developed by the three selected suppliers:

  • VeraPDF Consortium (to work on PDF/A)
  • Easy Innova (to work on TIFF)
  • MediaArea (to work on MKV/FFV1/LPCM)

The 3 consortia mentioned above will start working from April 14th, 2015 (for more info click here!) to develop an open-source toolset for conformance checking of digital files intended for long-term preservation in memory institutions. The developed prototypes will be indeed tested on a later stage.

Shortly the Preforma project will launch its Open Source portal, so STAY TUNED on www.preforma-project.eu!




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