Promoter @ EUROMED 2014, Limassol (Cyprus) 3-7 November 2014

linkA panel workshop to disseminate the latest achievements and to foster collaboration in the digital cultural heritage sector is organized by Promoter Srl on Novermber 3rd, 2014in the framework of the important congress Euromed 2014.

Antonella Fresa, Director of Promoter, is the Chair of the workshop.



Title of the session: The Digitization Age: Mass Culture is Quality Culture. Challenges for cultural heritage and society

The amount of digitized cultural heritage in Europe continues to grow: the digitization activities have a positive impact on the society, by making the cultural heritage more accessible for the citizens, and by generating benefits to the content owners. Several questions arise about digitized cultural heritage:how can digital cultural data be re-used at best, what is the impact on society, and how to preserve it in the long term? This panel discussion will try to answer these questions, and to present the latest EU projects that wish to identify a strategy for the cultural heritage in the new digital age. The project that confirmed participation to the workshop are both advanced projects such as ITN-DCHEuropeana Photography and Preforma, and newly launched  projects as Europeana SpaceRICHES, and the brand new Civic Epistemologies.

More information on Digital Meets Culture here.

Agenda of the Workshop here.

More information on the International Conference here.


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