RICHES kick-off meeting, Bruxelles 9-10 December 2013

rch logo ptrait smallOn 9-10 December, at the EBN (European Business & Innovation Centre Network) in Brussels, 10 partners from 6 EU countries and Turkey kicked-off RICHES, a new EC funded research project in the field of Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities.

RICHES (Renewal, Innovation & Change: Heritage and European Society) is a project about change: about the change digital technologies are bringing to our society, decentring culture and cultural heritage away from institutional structures towards the individual and so offering to the EU citizens a great opportunity to use their heritage as a drive for social and economic development.

Antonella Fresa (Project Dissemination Manager) and Claudia Pierotti were representatives of Promoter, as partner of the EU project.

RICHES partners are:

the University of Coventry, UK (Coordinator);
I2Cat ('Internet & digital Innovation in Catalonia'), Spain;
Hansestadt Rostock (representing the municipality of the city of Rostock and in particular the Department of Culture and Monument Preservation Rostock and the Museum of Cultural History Rostock will be involved in RICHES), Germany;
WAAG Society (Institute for art, science and technology) of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Denmark;
Stiftung Preussicher Kulturbesitz (SPK), a network of German cultural institutions, including the National Museum in Berlin, the State Library, the Secret State Archive, the Ibero-American Institute, the Institute for Music Research, Germany;
the University of Exeter, UK;
Promoter Srl, Italy;
the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism (KYGM), participating in RICHES in particular with the contribution of its General Directorate of Libraries and Publications, Turkey;
Stichting Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (NME, the National Museum of Ethnology of Leiden), The Netherlands.

Download the Agenda of the kick-off meeting (PDF,250 Kb)

More information on Digital Meets Culture here


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