Digital Echoes symposium

(Re)Collecting the Past: (Re)Making the Future

4th March 2016 - Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University

Antonella Fresa, together with prof. Neil Forbes (Coventry University), presented the innovative approach of Virtual Museums for a new and more participative engagement with cultural heritage.

More information: http://www.digitalmeetsculture.net/article/digital-echoes-symposium-2016-recollecting-the-past-remaking-the-future-call-for-proposals-open-until-22-january-2016/

PREFORMA Open Source Preservation Workshop

PREFORMA Open Source Preservation Workshop will offer attendees the opportunity to learn how to use the PREFORMA conformance checkers and to meet the community which has been established around these tools.

7 April 2016

Kungliga Biblioteket
Humlegården, 102 41 Stockholm



13 May 2016: Show & Tell & Touch: Digital Culture and Education

Contemporary education, formal classrooms, museum educational programmes, lifelong learning are all increasingly embracing ‘the digital’. As more and more arts and culture artefacts become available in this digital space, it was only a matter of time before the two worlds, heritage and education, would find each other. But have they really?

Show & Tell & Touch: Digital Culture and Education is the second workshop organized by E-Space on education, and aims to reflect on how digital cultural content may be creatively re-used in an educational setting. This interactive and involved re-use not only improve the quality of education but engages younger audiences in a way more insync with their daily lives. Premiere speakers from around Europe discussed first class examples of digital culture education in practice, look at current trends in the field as well as (European) politics and set the scene for facilitating reuse.

All the information and proceedings (including video recordings) is available at: http://www.europeana-space.eu/thematic-workshops/13-may-2016-show-tell-touch-digital-culture-and-education/

RICHES second policy seminar

The scope of the seminar is to discuss how the RICHES project (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society) can provide evidence-based insights to support cultural heritage policymaking in Europe.

In this light, the programme of the seminar will offer to participants the opportunity to challenge institutional points of view with some practical results of the research conducted by RICHES, with particular regard to the following themes:

Community-led developments: food and cultural heritage in the urban age – the role of local food movements.

Economics of culture: fiscal and economic issues in the digital age.

The use of craft skills in new contexts.

Institutional changes: exploring the status of digital heritage mediated by memory institutions.

European identity, belonging and the role for digital cultural heritage: structures for social and territorial cohesion and minority communities.

Two overarching themes will be selected and discussed among the participants in world café type discussion groups with the aim of providing ‘joined-up’ policy recommendations to be used in the definition of the H2020 work programme for 2018-2020. These topical issues will be proposed for discussion either on the basis of the European Parliament resolution "Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe" or on the basis of current societal challenges.

The seminar will start with a pre-event consisting in a networking session of EC Projects, a follow up to the first such session organised on the occasion of the first Policy Seminar in October 2015. The scope of this session is to reflect on how to sustain the organisation of these appointments in the future, after the end of the RICHES project. They represent a good opportunity to reflect on the impact that cultural heritage projects are delivering, identify opportunities to improve the effectiveness of their results, and identify synergies and the potential for collaboration among projects.

Brussels, at KIK-IRPA, 23rd May 2016

All information is available on RICHES website: http://riches-project.eu/second-policy-seminar.html


What we do

Promoter is a valuable partner in international project management, ICT and business innovation, online publishing and promotion. 

Promoter is publisher of Digitalmeetsculture online magazine and of Promoter Digital Gallery, a collection of heritage and contemporary photographs.

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The interactive magazine where culture and digital technology collide.

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