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PALIO (1997-1998)
Projects' Lifetime: from 1997 until 1998
Multimedia repository of Popular and historicAL competitIOns and folk-feasts in Europe (IT)
Objectives: to collect the information related with the popular and historical competitions that take and have taken place in Europe to provide a repository of images, landscapes, videoclips, musical evidences, etc., integrated with cultural information, touristic notices and commercial promotional services.
General information: The PALIO project aims to collect the information related with the popular ans historical competitions that take and have taken place in Europe to provide a repository of images, landscapes, videoclips, musical evidences, etc., integrated with cultural information, touristic notices and commercial promotional services. The information will be stored into an appropriate Data Base system, implementing relational links among A/N and multimedia data, using object oriented technologies. The Data Base will represent the source of information for the different derived PALIO services: interrelated WEB cultural sites, source of raw material for the multimedia industry and traditional publishing, value added services for electronic commercial promotion. Each class of PALIO services will address specific user/clients requirements:
i) the WEB sites will be dedicated to Internet navigators interested into cultural questions. The PALIO database will be able to answer to the needs ans interests of citizens and organisation for educational and recreational purposes, not only in Europe, but attracking also audience outside Europe ;
ii) PALIO will exploit its richness of contents selling raw multimedia data to the producers of off-line editorial products, that are both the PALIO partners, external multimedia producers and traditional publishers ;
iii) the services for electronic commercial promotion will be complementary to the previous services: public administrations, touristic agencies and offices, commercial operators will be operators will be able to rent spaces in the WEB sites to present their offers.
Integrated electronic commerce services will be considered too, in order to complete the functionalities of the environment allowing economic operators to find in PALIO an additional channel to sell their products.
Available and existing technologies will be investigated and selected to minimize as much as possible the investments for the developments, focusing that project over two main aspects:
1. extension of range, depth and quality of multimedia contents,
2. improvement of user interfaces to facilitate access to the information.
The composition of PALIO consortium will garantee completness and complementarity of roles among the partners: international coordination, alignment with European programmes, organsation of the working model, management of the collection of data, technological provision, international multimedia distribution will be the main tasks, clearly assigned to each participant. The PALIO consortim will be supported by private and public organisation, that will act, during both the definition phase and implementation phase, as providers of contents and as a contract points towards other content providers, guaranteeing the real potentiality of PALIO to reach the widest number of popular events in Europe. PALIO would represent a concrete and innovative environment to provide appealing and stimulating ways to know and exploit European popular culture and history.
General information: The PALIO project aims to collect the information related with the popular ans historical competitions that take and have taken place in Europe to provide a repository of images, landscapes, videoclips, musical evidences, etc., integrated with cultural information, touristic notices and commercial promotional services. The information will be stored into an appropriate Data Base system, implementing relational links among A/N and multimedia data, using object oriented technologies. The Data Base will represent the source of information for the different derived PALIO services: interrelated WEB cultural sites, source of raw material for the multimedia industry and traditional publishing, value added services for electronic commercial promotion. Each class of PALIO services will address specific user/clients requirements:
i) the WEB sites will be dedicated to Internet navigators interested into cultural questions. The PALIO database will be able to answer to the needs ans interests of citizens and organisation for educational and recreational purposes, not only in Europe, but attracking also audience outside Europe ;
ii) PALIO will exploit its richness of contents selling raw multimedia data to the producers of off-line editorial products, that are both the PALIO partners, external multimedia producers and traditional publishers ;
iii) the services for electronic commercial promotion will be complementary to the previous services: public administrations, touristic agencies and offices, commercial operators will be operators will be able to rent spaces in the WEB sites to present their offers.
Integrated electronic commerce services will be considered too, in order to complete the functionalities of the environment allowing economic operators to find in PALIO an additional channel to sell their products.
Available and existing technologies will be investigated and selected to minimize as much as possible the investments for the developments, focusing that project over two main aspects:
1. extension of range, depth and quality of multimedia contents,
2. improvement of user interfaces to facilitate access to the information.
The composition of PALIO consortium will garantee completness and complementarity of roles among the partners: international coordination, alignment with European programmes, organsation of the working model, management of the collection of data, technological provision, international multimedia distribution will be the main tasks, clearly assigned to each participant. The PALIO consortim will be supported by private and public organisation, that will act, during both the definition phase and implementation phase, as providers of contents and as a contract points towards other content providers, guaranteeing the real potentiality of PALIO to reach the widest number of popular events in Europe. PALIO would represent a concrete and innovative environment to provide appealing and stimulating ways to know and exploit European popular culture and history.
- Sacis International - Coordinator (Italia)
- Promoter (Italia)
- TEchnical Support for European Organisations (TESEO) (Belgio)
- T.i.m.e. Sas (Italia)
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