"L'Europa in Comune - Oppurtunità di finanziamento dell'Unione Europea" - Anagni, 16/01/2015 - 19-20/01/2015

L'Europa in Comune

Nell'ambito dell'accordo stipulato tra Comune di Anagni e Promoter srl, si svolgeranno due incontri di informazione/formazione organizzate dal Comune di Anagni, in provincia di Frosinone.

La prima giornata si terrà:

Venerdì 16 Gennaio 2015
Sala della Ragione
Comune di Anagni, Via Vittorio Emanuele 101

L'incontro mira ad illustrare le opportunità offerte nei prossimi anni dalla Commissione Europea ed i modi di accesso a tali forme di finanziamento.
Saranno presentate le priorità della Commissione Europea e i nuovi programmi di finanziamento, con particolare riferimento ai temi di interesse per il Comune di Anagni. Speaker della riunione sarà la dott.ssa Antonella Fresa, direttore generale di Promoter srl

Il secondo appuntamento sarà organizzato:

19-20 Gennaio 2015

Sala Conferenze Biblioteca Comunale - Via Garibaldi, Anagni

Seminario sulle modalità di partecipazione a progetti europei e rendicontazione

Seminario sui programmi di finanziamento comunitario e sulle modalità di partecipazione a progetti europei di ricerca e innovazione

Lunedì 19 Gennaio (14:00-­‐18:00)

Seminario sulla rendicontazione nei progetti europei

Martedì 20 gennaio (9:00-­‐13:00)

Docenti saranno Claudio Prandoni, responsabile dell'area progetti della Promoter srl, e Manuele Buono, responsabile della Segreteria Generale di Promoter srl.

Scarica il programma PDF

RICHES Workshop in Ankara is upcoming! Ankara (TR), 13-14 May 2015

Ankara KocatepeOn 13-14 May 2015 in Ankara, at the Turkish National Library, international experts will meet to attend the upcoming workshop The context of change and the move from analogue to digital organised in the framework of the European project RICHES (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European society). Promoter SRL is participating as Communication & Dissemination Manager of the project.

Read more: RICHES Workshop in Ankara is upcoming! Ankara (TR), 13-14 May 2015

Tomorrows and Yesterdays exhibition in Copenhagen (DK), 13 May - 2 August 2015

copenhagen 1From 13 May to 2 August 2015, at the premises of Arbejdeermuseet, in Copenhagen (DK), is being held the photographic exhibition Tomorrows and Yesterdays: Mads Nissen Meets Europe's First Photographers, organised by Photoconsortium - International Association for the promotion of Photographic Heritage, whose international secretary is based at Promoter SRL.


Technical Coordinatoor of the recently concluded project Europeana Photography (which Association Photoconsortium was born from), Promoter SRL is participating in the event as co-founder of Photoconsortium.

Read more: Tomorrows and Yesterdays exhibition in Copenhagen (DK), 13 May - 2 August 2015

Platforms for Citizen Science, by Civic Epistemologies - Lisbon, 19 May 2015

cvc illustrationThis session, organised by the Civic Epistemologies project in collaboration with EGI.eu (European Grid Infrastructure) and IBERGRID (Iberian Grid Infrastructure), in the framework of the EGI Conference 2015, aims to present to the attending scientific communities platforms for and use cases of citizen science, covering the wide range of potential capabilities (such as desktop computing and pattern recognition) usable in a huge variety of disciplines, from biodiversity to digital social sciences and humanities. 

Civic Epistemologies will present the first draft version of its Roadmap for Citizen Science.

Read more: Platforms for Citizen Science, by Civic Epistemologies - Lisbon, 19 May 2015


What we do

Promoter is a valuable partner in international project management, ICT and business innovation, online publishing and promotion. 

Promoter is publisher of Digitalmeetsculture online magazine and of Promoter Digital Gallery, a collection of heritage and contemporary photographs.

Focus on

The interactive magazine where culture and digital technology collide.

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